Saturday, April 25, 2009

Leaders vs. Managers

People confuse the differences between a leader and a manager all the time. In college, many kids think they are leaders when they are given "leadership" positions in a student club or organization. They get all excited over the opportunity to delegate orders to subordinates while they manage over an organization. Yes, I said manage.

Most roles people attribute to a leader are actually those of a manager. Managers are in charge of groups, projects, teams, etc. Managers have subordinates to who they assign deliverables. Managers check in with these people to see the progress of these deliverables. In short, managers make sure the group, project, or team that they are in charge of accomplishes what it is meant to accomplish.

Leaders on the other hand lead people. Leaders create change they believe in.

"Leaders have followers. Managers have employees." - Seth Godin

Managers lack the innovative properties of a leader. Managers are too scared to challenge the status quo, too scared to think outside the box. Managers fear failure and thus avoid decisions that might not work. Managers do what it takes to get the job done. Managers are scared of change.

Shake things up and break the status quo. Start something new. Be a leader. Don't wait for someone to lead you.